Donnerstag, 29. Oktober 2015

Dear Sir`s and dear Madam`s

No Story.:                                                             D- München, den 9.10.2015

Dear Sir`s and dear Madames.

So I` now, will you spend your Money after your Live for social helthcares.

Dear Sir`s and Madames, my Question for you is,
Why not yet ?

My Idea is, You spend all you Money Now and the United Staates of Amerika give you the warranty you`l never could be a poor Man or Woman.

Give your Money by the UN and UNICEF for ending War`s all over the World
and save the Life of many hungry Child`s, and your Name will be Legend.

Please hear me,,, , please,;

The United Nations give you the warranty you never will be a poor Man or Woman in your Lifetime.

Thank you verry much for your Patience !

Best Regard`s,

s.k.m. no Name - no Picture

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